
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

2016 Reads : Pebble$

Books That I Read

1. The Empress : Paul-Loup Sultizer

2. Working With Emotional Intelligence : Daniel Goleman

3. A Bad Case of Stripes : David Shannon

4. God's Generals: The Roaring Reformers : Roberts Liardon

The Empress 
Hannah Newman is 'The Empress' she is a wealthy woman, she has fought for all she has despite people thinking the contrary because she is attractive. She is head-strong in her decisions and how she manages her life, business and personal matters. She is empowering but at some intervals she made me feel like I shouldn't be reading this book, it was a little too intimate but I learnt some things in light of holding your own and not making her mistakes in my life. 

Working With Emotional Intelligence
Whether you are the janitor or the PA, the mail-room girl or team manager, the board of executives or the CEO; you have to be accountable and you have to work without a chip on your shoulder. I also wrote two blog posts about this book, click the links below:
Emotionally Intelligent? Pt.1
Emotionally Intelligent? Pt.2

A Bad Case Of Stripes
This was one of my very first reads of 2016 and I even wrote a blog post about it. Each of us are Camilla Cream, no matter what we feel that we do or do not struggle to face in life. My favorite part in this book is being able to recognize that most times the solution to the chaos we face in our lives can be found within ourselves we just need to stand back and take the time to search for those answers and quiet places within. You can read that post by clicking on the link below:
Chew On A Lima Bean Some Time ?!

God's Generals: The Roaring Reformers
This book was given to me a few years ago, due to its thickness I kept placing it closer to the bottom of my To-Reads pile of books until earlier this summer I really wanted to read it to challenge myself. Little did I know that this book would really challenge my faith and educate me on how far man's relationship with God has been tested, questioned, mocked, twisted, silenced, killed and in some instances caused him to be rejected by the whole of society including those who should have been on their team. If you want to understand how privileged you are as a child of God to be able to exercise your right to worship and gather in His name you need to read this book. This book is the best history lesson you can get as a child of God, a book to kick you in your butt! If this does not challenge and comfort you to be uncompromising in your walk with God in these last days of 2016 and beyond then I don't know what will. You will be persecuted child, oh you sure will be persecuted BUT God has your back in all ways.. Always!

2016 has been amazing year, I'm sure you can tell how much I enjoyed it in my "Dear Pebble$ : 001" letter. I have enjoyed this journey so far 2016 was supposed to be filled with bountiful blessings and opportunities to take as my own and that is exactly what manifested. I Carpe Diem-ed all over this year despite little personal improvements I had to make it all worked out. This is my last blog post of 2016, oh my my my. I look forward to engaging with you all in conversation in 2017, remain blessed and make sure you squeeze every last drop of goodness out of 2016. 

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all of my readers over these past four years, it has been a pleasure to have your time and to write these posts. What have you enjoyed the most about my blog, what do you look forward to & include any improvements? 

Stay Blessed Everybody !
Pebble$ x 

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

                                                                    Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Dear Pebble$ : 001

December 13, 2016 

Dear Pebble$,

I have had so many ideas lately. I want to achieve so much and even though my present doesn't reflect where I would like to be right now, I know those days are on their way and they will surely manifest themselves. Appreciate you enriching my mind to keep me going, keeping me informed and constantly challenging me to learn. Also in places where I don't know how to approach something you always got me looking for ways to learn about it. 

2016 took me on a journey of emotions, I learnt about me and how free I wanted to be, this was made possible by starting my first journal. I grew closer to God, so you can only imagine how much my life improved. I desire for greater things ahead and I have added more goals to my list of things to accomplish in life the list of "You Actually Think You Can Achieve These, Go On With Your Wild Self". I realize that I can no longer allow life dictate how I feel, how I react and how I get back up from being knocked down. Your resilience is the secret to becoming the great woman you wish to be, you are an achiever beyond the current view that is in sight and other people should feel that way around you. 2017 is going to open the floodgates of blessings so you better believe God has got some goods for you in that flow, you have to act like His child - know your rights, your entitlements, the impossibilities He can make possible. Encourage your friends to believe the same, share the blessings with them, oh and you see that book you're writing the enemy doesn't want you to publish that book so take that however you will. Don't give up! 

You said you would travel, and you did. You finally filmed your Love Apparatus responses despite the breeze amplifying its harmonies. You've progressed with book planning and the reading that's necessary and now we need to sort out what's left. Your aim in life is to go to your grave empty right?! And I'm proud of you for taking steps to continually share what you have to give and using your voice where you can.

Your accomplishments this year include being an active part of the communities that have welcomed you in, despite only joining both this year, Twitter and Instagram. You read & finished 'God's Generals' gifted to you because somebody thought you were a revolutionary in your own way. Planning and selection for your book. Growth as a writer. I look forward to seeing more growth in 2017, learning more and sharing my journey with you.

I went to a new height with God, I took the planning for my book further, I found new ways to improve myself and expand my mind continuously. I took actions to show that I really want what I said I wanted and even got back from being knocked down like a domino several times. I am sooo happy for all of these things because I said in my 2015 In Review that these were the things I wanted to accomplish in 2016. When you believe and confess, look at what happens. 

I really needed my parents this year and they were there for me, a lot of decisions they encouraged me to take this year led me to meeting amazing people. I'm grateful that I was given that privilege to live in the moment of those events and reflection just made it sweeter. I am most thankful for the moments and the continual growth I have experienced in my walk with God through life. I am thankful for life in my lungs and the continual flow of creativity that I have had but I need to be quicker in noting them down, as I forgot a few by the time I tried noting it on paper - HELLO! Notes App I will remember you exist in 2017.

Much Love, 

The Chica You Best Believe That!


                                                                      Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Pebble$ [Blogger] Love Apparatus

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The original concept for this interview should be credited to Jesse Boykins III . The interviews he had with various ladies   intrigued me, so I decided to try putting myself in the position to ask myself the questions he asked, I hope you enjoy reading my responses.   If you feel like laughing you can watch the responses on my YouTube Channel.

Feel free to leave comments below, about points where you think you might have answered differently.

1: What Do You Love About Being A Woman?

I love the natural disruption you cause when you walk into a place, even if it’s for the slightest moment or a sustained stare. It positions you on top of a hierarchy almost instantly in the way that a man might not have, if 
he were to enter that environment instead of you. 

There is an element of being strong yet vulnerable at the same time in being a woman, I would not yet classify myself as a woman but rather as a lady in the sense that a lady still finds herself through understanding and coming to terms with the limits of her strength and the extent of her vulnerability. You grow closer to being secure about your insecurity through vulnerability in a way that makes a man understand you are no toy and equally as human if not more. 

The woman is distinguished from a girl by a simple line of RESPECT. Respect enough to know when and when not to in anything, enough to not play with emotions. A woman has a respect for self enough to step away from situations & decisions with unnecessary escalations. 

2: Long-Term Lust or Short-Term Love? Why?

Short-Term Love. Lust is momentary it works in intervals, it is what it is because you want it time and time again, it only comes in one capsule per pack if you want to gain satisfaction you’ll have to become an addict, a slave to it. Love on the other hand when genuine sustains you till the end of time, no refills needed and it doesn’t enslave it carries you along. Love gives as it is received whilst Lust works on a one way system it only takes from you consuming energy that could have easily been spent on working with Love.

Lust has never gotten man anywhere but in the position of wanting, while Love has made man ready to give as well as receive. Why would I want to be placed behind a smoke screen my whole life lusting after a man if the only thing I’ll be thinking about is the things I could do to him, Lust won’t get my bills paid, food on my table or guarantee my future. 

3: Do You Remember The First Time You Felt The Emotion Lust?

Yeah, when I was in high school. When I think about it now I think it was disguised as a crush/obsession I had for Omarion when 
he was part of B2K and when he starred in ‘You Got Served’.

4: Beauty or Danger? Explain.

Beauty. Beauty can be found in everything if only you open your mind, heart, ears and perspective on life and your world. Beauty never lies at the surface because if it did most of the scars of life would have bruised and erased that beauty away. Beauty has the ability to handle danger it turns the ugly of fear within danger, and stands firm when danger asks it to run. The beauty of danger is one which is around for a limited period of time till those who once feared it overcome the fear of facing it.  

5: Chaos or Structure? Why?

Structure. Chaos is not my friend, me and chaos don’t understand each other and don’t want to understand each other. I’d like to refer to the moments of chaos within my structure as “flexibility”. Flexibility is the time used to relax and break the norm, break the cycle of usual activity. It is the time used to bring me back to balance. Structure gives control in a way that chaos cannot, although 
in the moment of chaos it is the one in control while structure is helpless BUT structure brings us out of chaos no matter how gradual or slow that process is.  Structure has given me the confidence to plan, to dream, to achieve, to write and to say some of 
my best compositions as a lady, writer, poet, sister, friend and daughter.

6: Balance or Climax? Why?

I can’t choose. Only because you know you like the climax of a good day or great week, you like the feeling of achievements of things gone right. But you can’t deny the good of balance which prepares you for weighing the sides of your highs and lows; it 
allows you to be your true self. With that said I feel climax comes within the beauty of balance which permits you to enjoy the high 
of that moment in time, but teaches you to not stay in that moment because you can still do better, it grounds and earths where climax may disillusion. 

7: Do You Have A Paper Perfect? (*things you look for in a man)

Is there any lady that doesn’t? Well he better be rich, drive a Bentley Continental GT, own a big house and spend every second 
of his time with me. I’m done!! Did you think I was serious LOL!! Your homegirl Pebble$ ain’t like that, the real on what I need in my paper perfect is ..

I need a man that knows how to laugh and joke with me, he needs to feel fulfilled in what he does I don’t care what it is; he should do what he loves and love what he does (if he’s not happy with his situation, there’s a likelihood I might feel it too when he comes home in his behavior and attitudes & ain’t nobody got time for that). He should love me as he loves himself, motivated, purpose-driven, far-sighted (someone who looks to the future in things to achieve, taking himself from now to then, I couldn’t think of the word I was looking for). He has to have goals, dreams, visions, aspirations, know his destination (there is no way I’m following a 
man whose train has no destination).

I need a man who will not be intimidated by my accomplishments as a woman, a man who will support my dreams as I act as his backbone through accomplishing his. A man who will pray with me, respect me, care for me, love me for me, appreciate my 
fabulous and my #laybackchillathomeinaonepiece, as I do all the same for him.  You get all of that?!

8: When You Hear “Love Apparatus” What First Comes To Mind?

Instruments or some kind of tool in making love happen. I think of the use of the deeper things of human nature to bring forth 
the beauty of love, the things that must be leveled if two people want love to work. The tools needed in love – patience, understanding, common ground, mutual agreement, identifying and grasping perfect imperfections, finding another whole to 
make a greater masterpiece. It is the tool used in the expression of one’s self to the world, to those they love and to those yet 
to find love.

It’s like wood and sandpaper, the wood has already been cut to shape but the sandpaper needs to be used to perfect & smooth those sharper edges or carvings to bring the wood to the standard it should be at. The wood is the love (or the people) and the sandpaper is the apparatus (the things or people that bring the missing element) needed to bring that love through and allow it 
to grow.

9: Do You Like Smiling? Why?

Pass me a nice book or notepad and a pen, let me be in my zone and I'll give you the best smile I have. I feel like you have to free yourself from your thoughts to genuinely smile, even if it's just for a moment. To like smiling does that mean you liked frowning previously, I'm just saying but hey seriously though, laughter is more evident in my life than smiling. 

Every time I smile I'm accused of my smile flirting so I laugh instead. I like laughing, it is free meds for the stresses you store up inside both knowingly and unknowingly. Laughter is my therapy, I can't cry and break into a smile instead I cry and laugh it out or laugh at myself.


Hope You Enjoyed Reading My Responses. Leave A Comment Below & Start A Conversation.

  Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Former & Latter

      I have married off a child
      Even when I knew that it wasn't right
      I let go of my only daughter
      And let havoc wreak amongst the remainder
      Foolish was I to let go of this child
      Who now felt that the safest place she could be
      Was her mother's womb
      Have I reduced my wife to just a womb
      Now my daughter wants to run away
      I married off my daughter
      That she might be happy
      I mortgaged her happiness
      The former meaning to cause death and
      The latter meaning I imprisoned her
      I mortgaged her life
      The former meaning to hold her in one place
      The latter meaning I have sentenced her..
      To a term she cannot bail on
      I have taken away my daughter's freedom to
      Express, to love, to smile, to be
      The former meaning to alienate her
      The latter meaning to silence her
      I have found no peace when I caused her life disarray
      She must have prayed good
      That all her enemies receive the same turmoil, that her heart weeps
      For she did not sow the seed so why should she reap the punishment alone
      I have left my daughter alone even though
      Her status is engaged
      The former meaning to kill and
      The latter achieving that goal
      I have mortgaged my only daughter

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

I Understand Gramy..

This is a product of connecting my upbringing, the prayers of my grandmother & the events that happened in the days following independence day weekend July 5 - July 9. 

Importance of this piece..
Our grandmothers often represent a generation who really know the ups and downs of life, like REALLY know the ups and downs. They are women who have seen some of the most touching and devastating events which have shaped history and OUR history. For me the presence of a grandmother represents strength, love, nuturing and wisdom; she is the reason behind many family traditions, recipes and an example of success. She loves God and she breaks down the bigger complexities of life for your young mind to understand and value, many times her hustle makes your future possible. This piece centers around the role of grandmothers and the worth of their words, in this case the words within a grandmother's prayers over the years are fully understood for the first time. The basis on which these words are understood lie within heartbreaking events in our world where black men and women are losing their lives in an unjust manner. When looking deeper I realize that this wasn't only a prayer that I benefited from but many others have testified that their grandmothers prayed similar prayers which have kept them til today constantly striving to be the best men and women they can be in today's society and beyond. A grandmother's prayers AND her words must never be taken lightly, they hold a power that we cannot fully comprehend in our lifetimes.

Family is defined by its members, how they relate and what they mean to each other. It consists of several kinds of relationships, the highlight of this piece revolves around grandmothers and the various relationships that stem from their being.. their presence in a family. Grandmothers often hold family together when situations or circumstances can tear it apart. 

Holding onto the possibility that grandmothers keep family together, they pray and intercede for everybody. It may be the meekness of a grandmother's heart that causes constant protection from above, where He hears the plea of grandmothers and honors the call. We've got to do things for ourselves and stop placing our walk with God in the hands of our grandmothers, learn from your grandmother. Hunger for the lessons and wisdom that your grandmother has and greater. One day generations will also require you to do what your grandmothers have done for you. Are you equipped enough? Have you hungered for the presence of the Lord as much?
Does God know the sound of your voice or the constant moans of needy prayers when you remember 'Oh there's somebody by the name of Jesus', "Please please rescue me Lord". You have to desire a walk with God that shakes the kingdom of the enemy, let him pee himself every single morning when you get out of bed; make the enemy run every time you enter into a place he thought he had control over. 

We need to hunger for this level of relating with God and the ability to hold people together when they are almost shattering, but if we can't be bothered to learn.. how can we fight and who are we fighting for? When you equip yourself you are able to help others, when you build the strength that you need you can fight for others. From today forth know that you are fighting for your own cause, a cause which directly impacts those that surround you, those living in your generation and those of generations unborn. You are fighting to sustain life where situations only present death, you are presenting a voice people didn't know could arise and represent them. You are also fighting for those who don't even see the need to fight, who don't get the purpose of the fight and those who will break down the structures that are in place to protect them, with their own hands. The fight might feel like it is fought in vain but your impact will transcend time periods after you have gone and left your legacy, your actions replace the regret of 'I wish I had done..' with 'I did it and I was alive to..'. Your fight brings light to the wrongdoing, the injustice, the silencing and the desensitizing of people's reactions to such disgusting acts that shouldn't even be found in the nature of mankind.

We are forgetting that our interactions daily despite what our journeys have led us to experience should be on an individual to individual basis. You are responsible for how you decide to treat those whose paths cross at a point with yours, you have a duty as a human being to hold your innermost convictions in one hand and have your "benefit of the doubt" fairy dust in the other hand ready to sprinkle into action before anything else. We are forgetting that we are all human beings birthed of our mothers who once held us with the utmost disbelief that their baby was alive and well, that they made it to the other side of child birth to carry their child in their hands. We also forget the families broken by loss, we forget that your blood and my blood are the same color even if our shells are not, we forget that before any authority or title you are first a human being and those things are mere additions to your status as fellow homosapien. We are losing out on collaborating with each other in our communities, in our jobs, our colleges, in the corporate world and in life over matters that we have no control over. This focus on irrelevant details is distracting us from the main aims and missions that we are supposed to reach and complete in life. You lose out on educating your world on the coming advancements and what you have to offer your world. You instead repeat history by having to deliver old classes to a new generation when those classes should be part of stories told to show how far we have come. Not how many centuries we have leaped back to. Wake up. Yes people will do wrong things but don't classify the whole people under that regressive label; try and understand the damage it causes.

Ways to move forward and ways to cope with such events in life ?

1. If you still have your grandmother around, talk with her. Question her and if you're too sure how to ask just say "Gramy, Pebble$ sent me." ðŸ˜Š

2. Look for ways to educate yourself daily, biweekly whatever time to can give, give it. Keep up with developments BUT know when to step away because the events of 2016 had us all feeling like we needed counselling.

3. Advocate for your peace when it all feels like a little too heavy to carry, and you'll be able to support others as they support you.

4. Always have somebody you can talk to or people you can talk to.

5. Pray. Prayer is not the whole solution but IT IS part of it, meditate. Meditate to shut out the noise of the world and communicate 

with God in your secret place.

6. If you have known the effects of spewed hate, you better be the last person sending it out towards others. 

7. It's alright not to have all the answers, but your hunger for some answers is sometimes all it takes. 

Know that your life is worth every breath you take and the inhale/exhale of your lung gives rhythm to hearts that needed breath when they said breath had died and gone. May you be the new start that arises with our coming lunar :)

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

                                                                          Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

She's On SoundCloud?? Yup!

If you didn't know, now you know! There are many ways to relate with me, connect with me and receive my message you just need to find the medium that you like most.

I use SoundCloud for my Spoken Word/Poetry often tagged as #ThatWritten most bitten, which literally means a truth or story that you can ruminate on through thoughts. My work often contains matters of the mind because that is the biggest battlefield that man has, forget nuclear wars and conflict around the globe.. the mind is being competed for by so many things in this life. SoundCloud takes the pressure off of having to create with a face to face product of creativity, and by that I mean the type of content I make for YouTube. My initial thoughts when I joined SoundCloud was to have a jazzy/soulful feel to my Spoken Word/Poetry but that was not maintained at intervals where I got the inspiration to try other kinds of music.

This also wasn't possible because I have a diverse poetic mind AND when I try to box myself, I naturally just end up outside of that box. I started on July 2, 2013 with my introducing track on what I hoped to bring and the short story behind my name. Soon after I was exploring other artists, songwriters, beatmakers and rappers who had something distinct about them. SoundCloud gave me the privilege of knowing some of these folks before anyone else was able to generate hype about their "new" discoveries. I've had the opportunity to flip some of their content and share it with the world. I know that 2016 is not over yet, but you can look forward to some important updates relating to my upcoming book being shared there in 2017! So watch out for that.

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Donuts & Coffee

It's what you did when you screen-shoted me
Negotiating a disservice for my existence
Calling me out my name because I was not born of you
Adding to lies on a case you were absent to observe 
Realizing your deepest fear lay between hand and joint
Calling on a ship once again to import me that's how you saw me
Explaining the situation, and scenarios that played out
Retailing my image to negatively skew the black market, respectfully you were absent
Actually I remembered you never questioned me
Throwing shades to further distance any feelings of remorse
Instigator of all decisions to lock me down longer
Only on the life of my mother, do I constantly die every day
Never release me expecting to be the same, I'll only carry on better

Into blood-shot eyes I could see you didn't care, training didn't equip you with this 
No you made that decision all on your own 
Calling me everything from the great depression to the ruins of Mali
Ask Mr officer how many times he tried to guilt-trip me for something I lived unaware of
Raising a hand to me thinking it will raise standards
Closely examining my actions while I close my case on your repeatedly 
Excellence? Yes it was achieved before you lock and keyed me here
Restore my dignity to me before you strip and search for a reason to hold me to ransom
And go back to the moments when you stopped me because my face was too young and naive
To fit the description dispatched by whom to ride this motor
Expect nothing from me but the value & respect, of which my parents instilled in me
Study. Study me a little longer, why not you're wasting my years anyway

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

5 Lives

I'm standing here in your presence smiling 
And no, it's not because you are dying 
I'm playing old reels to make them anew 
Renewing your strength while you're still here
Promise me you'll live on like my prayers to keep you

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Emotionally Intelligent? Pt2

I identified many changes that make a great leader which mirrored my thoughts, but you must perceive yourself there first otherwise you will not be there or get there in the reality of your mind. Perception is everything in the way you perceive yourself and others, if you cannot first of all be secure in yourself - you will use others to build and shield your insecurities. Whether that's insecurities in your abilities or in the ways you deal with matters that are not within your capacity, it could be matters that you are faced with or shortcomings. 

* I will be using business and company interchangeably within this post so please do not be confused that I may be talking on separate matters.

" These are the four stages of creative solution note it and thank Poincaré later - preparation, incubation, illumination and execution. "

Following on from this, is the progression that comes with a career, promotions in a job role or new height in your business. Each step up requires a step up in your willingness to learn more and implement changes in attitudes, work ethic, uphold values, maintain and increase motivation also keeping track of the values and principles which served as the foundation for that business/organization. This shines a light in educating me rather than correcting me, I guess as Pebble$ I may be considered as a business/brand which becomes recognized with each new reader, connection and conversation; but I haven't reached the stage or touched the turf of owning a business yet. When I do decide to grace that turf however, there are several lessons I have learned and will hope to apply.

1. Maintaining my stand at all times, this is holding value that others won't need to question. 
2. My role as CEO is not solely contracting the work, but being involved in the work and company; know the people 
 you work with, know the companies you work with, where is your money going, where is energy being exerted, what 
 are people's motivations and who runs with your vision. 
3. Be AWARE, you don't set it and forget it. Have you set up an environment that shows you care about the business, 
 the people involved and the running of your company. Is the company valued, are employees valued as well? 
4. Understand your business' value from the perspective of those who work with you, who does your business serve and 
 what does it need to maintain to continually serve those who value it. 
5. Build valuable working relationships & contacts. 
6. Work with emotional smarts alongside brain smarts. 
7. If I work with my emotion smarts present, it is easier to drive others to build & work with theirs. 
8. Look beyond your vision and take the risk of doing something that wasn't in the plan this can bring longevity and 
  added value to your business rather than sinking its existence. 
9. Teach the next generation, raise them to value, develop and maintain emotional intelligence as much as they do 
  intellectual intelligence. 
10. If something happens to you tomorrow who did you teach, who did you share your expertise with to make sure that 
  the vision stays alive. 
11. Do not do business as usual, using old tools to fix new bolts. Keep up to date with the market, trends and 
 developments in your lane of business. 
12. Yes technology is constantly progressing and producing new tools which can aid, even enhance aspects of your 
 business but remember to recognize that some skills cannot be replaced by tech rather it should be used alongside 
 those skills. 
13. Be a catalyst for change, do not hinder it because of playing it safe. Adapt to the changes, the world is constantly 
 witnessing developments. Teach this to your kids. 
14. The world isn't waiting on you. Get in where you fit and if there isn't one, make a fit for yourself in the market, in 
 the world of business.
15. Know your limits, where you come to a limit in your knowledge on certain things employ somebody's expertise or
 advice to gain what YOU need to KNOW. 
16. Why is one man doing every man's job, identify the essence of team work and the need for a team. Equip your team 
  so they can equip you. 

" To communicate is not just a matter of pushing information at another person. It's creating an experience, to engage their gut. " - John Seely Brown  

Be aware, be awake. Awareness is key in all aspects of life, work, education, career and business. Being aware of limits in an individual's ability and being aware of the state of their sense of self are two very different things. The first is a need to relate on an individual's level and raising them from there so any gaps in ability or knowledge can be resolved. There is also a need in that instance to aid the development of a person and continually review their progress and needs. The second instance deals with an individual whose self-confidence has not yet been developed and requires help in building it; this individual requires someone who will help them to identify what they wish to achieve and how to get to that place. For a person in this position it is best to remind them that they should not compare themselves with others but rather, find their own space and conquer that first. Finding your space and lane in life is one of the best moves that you can pull against uncertainty. This right here highlights the importance of a mentor and mentorship as well as the importance of communicating with your colleagues. 

Another kind of awareness is that of change, if you cannot identify any problems you will not see the need for a solution. Right?! When an individual is able to identify changes in behavior and motivation then they can move from "problem identified" to "who and what does this problem affect". At this point you are open to finding the answers to identifying the consequences if changes are not made but you require others to have input where it may be of help. "Who and what does this problem affect" becomes "what chu gon do NOW?"; this person can now see the problem, what the problem affects and seek the necessary steps to solve that problem. A plan comes into form, of actions to be taken and personal shifts to make are written, made plain so cannot be taken back and negotiated.

" The real genius of organization is the informal, impromptu, often inspired ways that real people solve real problems in ways that formal processes can't anticipate. " 

When "what chu gon do NOW?" progresses to "make that 20/20 vision I see you" the changes translate from the mental and written to physically evident. Emotion smarts take their baby steps and one point at a time the plan is put into practice. Actions are taken, to a newer self who is emotionally aware, this is the start of a journey which requires continual development, consistency and commitment. 

There is so much more that I could explore from this book and put into my own perspective for you all but I'll have to end it here. I could however come back in a few months and add more to this series of blog posts.. haha. 

Find a way to get yourself a copy of this book!! The translation of its contents is different to each individual so what you waiting for (you might be able to find it in Google books for free).

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

                                                                        Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Spoken Word, The Pebble$ Per$ona, Series & Collabs

The title of this post says it all, to name just a few things which are not necessarily changes but additions to content that I wish to bring to my channel as this journey progresses. With no exaggeration I made 5 attempts to make this upload happen, for it to go live so the worldwide web could see it and see my homebody self on their screens once again. 

So I made this video a few months back and uploaded it to my YouTube Channel. The whole point was to take this opportunity to bring you more of me.. there isn't really an old Pebble$ for me to be bringing a new one. I don't feel that is my aim but rather for me to constantly achieve more and more with the opportunity to share that with you through my content, through my blog, through my Instagram and my Twitter. I do believe that each of my platforms offer something different to each of my readers so pick your literal liquor out of all of them, and I hope that you will enjoy where this is going. There are still a lot of things to learn about me which I know that I want to achieve but you don't know are within me, so I hope that you stay for the journey and connect with me. I look forward to us starting a conversation on whatever I post from now on. 

I thank you for your support, because even when I don't see your comments and I don't see your views I still hold onto the belief that somehow somewhere in some way you are having access to my content and you're able to read it. Maybe you all are having reading parties saying "Let's read Pebble$ New-In together!" maybe it's one view but technically it could be 20 or 30 who knows. I'm here to give the world a little bit of that histological flavor with physio and a little anatomy. You can look forward to that! With this upload I talked about new ways to bring you Spoken Word and how I could put together some audiovisuals. I also talked about bringing The Pebble$ Per$ona back and give her some more episodes. Additional to what I already have on my channel, I have two series coming your way - one is a writing series while the second one is a faith series. The writing series I thought would be perfect for this time while I'm writing my book and getting ready to publish it, so I thought about taking you through my writing process. The hashtag to use for asking me any questions for the writing series is #PebblesWritesThis, which you can use everywhere that you are - this lets me know what questions you have and if their directed at me so I can take them into consideration when answering questions in my uploads. 

The faith series is me sharing my faith with you and how it's shaped me as a person, how it's shaped the philosophies I carry in life, the outlook and the views that I have on life and how in despite of the negatives that the world presents me with I'm still able to stay grounded, stay positive and stay hopeful. To keep holding the possibility that no matter how dysfunctional world may be, my kids, grandkids and greatgrankids and so on will be able to live in it and make an impact. 

There are various aspects to me - there's the poet, the writer, the student, the pebble$ per$ona who is an absolute joker 
and so much more. 

Stay Tuned, 


I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Emotionally Intelligent? Pt1

Hello World, Pebble$ Here!

Recently I finished reading a book by Daniel Goleman called "Working With Emotional Intelligence" which caught my eye when I was doing some other reading, it took me two and a half weeks before I could get started but once I got started I couldn't wait to get from one chapter to the next. If you choose to find and read this book, start this book with an open mind and a willingness to unlearn everything about yourself. With total honesty you too can be driven to improve and increase your emotional intelligence. 

" While some people seem to be born with natural self-assurance, even those who are shy & timid can become more bold with practice. Practice ! "

In this brief moment of throwing shade (shunning) at all the Mensa kids who I've seen on TV through my years as a child til this point, I have forever not liked the idea of IQ being used to separate them from the rest of us. I remember my grades being compared with others as a kid so I've never liked it being thrown in my face. This book saying that Intellectual Intelligence wasn't everything made me so happy but I soon learned that emotional intelligence has to be combined with intellectual intelligence. You cannot rely on one or the other you must ensure they both meet at a point depending on what kind of work you do, what it requires of you, where you work, the environment you need to contribute to and how you need to be present or contribute to this working environment. 

" Change comes when you don't see yourself as the victim or passive pawn in the game of life but, as the master of your fate."

Whether you're the janitor or the PA, the mail-room girl or team manager, the board of executives or the CEO; you have to be accountable and you have to work without a chip on your shoulder. You ain't nobody until you can display that emotional intelligence and work with it everyday not treat it like a 30-day trial then I'm done. You have to grasp what it means to you at your own pace BUT you are not alone if you are willing to hear the truth and be assisted in your journey to emotional intelligence. Remember that once you reach emotional intelligence land, it is not a destination but rather it is a journey in which you continually look for ways to improve and ways to be an example to others who need to take their journeys too. 

" The less aware we are of what makes us passionate, the more lost we will be. "

What did this book do for me and what will I do with what I've read?
 I have read this book knowing which areas of my attitudes and work ethic need to be updated. I've learned that there are a million and one ways to prevent problems, conflict and mistakes in your work - one thing that gets us there is not arrogance but a laziness of not doing what we know is right before it is even required of us !

" For those who lack self-confidence, every failure confirms a sense of incompetence. " 

Every great step is not taken right away. It is first thought of in thoughts of wanting to change but not actually taking steps to do anything proactive about it. I have taken great steps in my life only to receive rejection and in turn I become the person who has a deju-vu moment later about what other's saw in me that made them encourage me to push further than where I was. Sometimes those realizations come late and sometimes they come at the time which is best - the time when you are your most receptive to change.

Look Out For Pt. 2 of This Blog We Will Go Deep Into The Intellect Of Your Emotions & Apply It !

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

                                                                                       Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dear Lord...

"Dear World, I open up my Snapchat, my Facebook, my Twitter, my Instagram. I'm only a tweet away, only a gram away, I'm only a snap away. Whether it's written or a little video, feel free to send it my way and I am open to taking your prayer points, taking your concerns and putting it in my prayers to stand with you in my own little way. If I'm honest there is only so much tweets can do, 
Sandra Bland said these cellphones we have in our hands are very powerful, they are indeed because they are educating us in 
ways that we didn't even know before. They are giving us the news just like that so we have no excuse not to be informed. World 
we need to get in formation, we need to get in formation with the information that is being exposed to us. We need to use that knowledge to then inform each other so we can all get in formation in unity, so we can move forward with suggestions."

- Pebble$

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Disposable Fear

This is a collaboration that I did with an amazing photographer on Instagram, the little girl you see in the photo is his daughter. I love working with his photography because it opens your mind to translating what you see and building a perspective & story of your own as an observer.

Start from the inside today. What I mean by that is, we're in a place in time where we are saying that people should pray, some people don't know how to. What should be grasped in these times is, when you are told to, or asked or commissioned or moved to pray and you don't know how to - don't feel helpless. Just start by talking out loud or quietly with hands clasped together, sit still and let your thoughts out. Pour out your heart on how helpless you feel, how much pain such events are causing you or have caused you in the past. Open up on how these events feel like wounds that you only just started healing, that have not only been opened up again but picked at again by vultures who refuse to give you your peace.. Pour Your Heart Out. The same searching should be done so that we can go deeper than ourselves to stand together in U.N.I.T.Y, there is power in unity and sometimes in order for us to move forward with that unity it is best to first of all look into our community to fix and to heal what may be broken.

I've been reading a lot of articles by people who feel they are qualified to break us down as people, when I say that and I state what is being said, you may make it out as me trying to run from the truth but in fact I know the truth within it and I won't try to dismiss it. I don't try to take myself to some kind of fairy cloud and not acknowledge it but rather to say that we understand that and we are starting from the inside. We are ensuring that those within our community that don't understand yet, how important it is a time now to start trying to do right by themselves and not rebel in a way that harms them is a current task that we are helping each other out with. Through informing each other, teaching each other, consoling each other and comforting each other in a way that we can educate each other on what it is we are being faced with right now and what we need to change. Many would say that, "Oh but you as a community you kill each other anyway, you frame each other and oh when you go back to the times of Africa it was the Africans selling their people into slavery." We understand that, we are not living in oblivion trying to dismiss it BUT we are living in the TODAY of the situation and if you don't mind we're actually trying to sort out how we can move each other from that point and mentality to ensure that we don't indirectly keep on selling each other out but rather helping each other. The aim is, that when we are already beat down we are helping each other to stand up and not to knock our brother or our sister down further into the mud, further into the bloody soil that surrounds them, that tries to consume their lives. We are trying to revive our community, we are day by day learning from each other and that is our baby steps and our stands at the same time as, first of all crawling in our helplessness and then using each other to stand up. In standing up we are learning to both take the trauma that the news and reality faces us with AT THE SAME TIME as trying to ensure that our mental states are stable and taken care of. 

I have said this before and I'll say it again, we're not trying to make this a black/brown/yellow/green versus white issue (Willie lynch and them did that already) we are making this what it is - which is a us who are supposed to be protected versus them who are corrupt that are being given the position to protect us and do not have our interest at heart; and when I say "them" I don't mean everybody in the police force but I point out everybody that is wearing that badge and using that badge to authorize and give authority to the insecurities they have. Take for example, I couldn't go into the medical profession in the future knowing fully well that I may have some insecurities about people of certain ethnic groups I shouldn't bother being a doctor ! If I'm only going to make sure to give only the best care to everybody that isn't caucasian or doesn't have skin like mine, that wouldn't be right. 

I started this post inspired by this little girl's face and I tried to interpret what this girl's look means, what it signifies, what it may symbolize and this piece was birthed but now I see the power of a poet and not because it's my work but because I've seen my work and the work of others being set in one point in time and still speaking volumes later. I now realize that our mothers birthed us black/brown/yellow/white and whatever else - our mothers birthed us into this life hoping that is exactly what we would enjoy, Life! Living! Living with a freedom and carefree attitude where we believe we can achieve anything that we want in this life. We are sometimes forced to grow up before our time to deal with adult issues and problems that our young minds shouldn't have to take (e.g. Philando's 4 year old daughter). Our minds should be educated gradually on those things but they shouldn't have to swallow that whole in one go and we've come into this world already with the notion that "Damn this place is big, how am I going to navigate around through all of this before I die?". Then gradually as you open up your heart to know that there are others birthed on the same day as you, days after you, days before you who are there to be your partners - people you see on the journey to know that this path is not walked alone. You start to realize how much smaller the world is, how much more together we can be than we seem to be or we seem not to be, and you know now that the rock that was meant to trip you up in life is being used as the mountain top to show that you have excelled and you have achieved something in life. Where you thought you might fall into a pit of helplessness and non-achievement you realize that the pebble that your enemies have ridiculed you over, was the very one you used to target and SLAY the Goliaths in your life. 

For those who now have the world's issues like this, causing them to really want to take their spirituality seriously or up their game on it. My advice - don't try jumping into everything that is available to you, because if you are not given an understanding to comprehend your reading you will just be reading and interpreting what you want. First search within yourself look at the foundations that you do have like the Gospel, the Word of God. Use what you do know to first of all comfort and feed your soul THEN you have the foundation you need to start using the journeys and knowledge of all of those who are readily available to you in this life through literature, through blogs, through books to strengthen yourselves. Work from the inside out, you can only beat your face for so long before you realize that, that acne, those spots, those zits require you to make some internal changes.

From today find somebody to make you accountable to your emotions and expression, find someone you can talk to, build some foundations to strengthen your inner G. You are never alone in this journey, please realize that people have been placed on this earth to help you out, just talk - talk about your worries, your problems. Unite with one another look to build and not to destroy, encourage yourselves and each other. If supporting the liberation of those you love and care for is being classified as terrorism then let them continue in their ignorance calling good, "evil". You just do you and what you need to do before you leave this earth.

" Don't let the disease become incurable before you decide to take preventative and healing measures." 

Much Love, Peace, Light & Strength, 

Pebble$ .

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt