This is the year that I share my podcast food with you. I will create a list of podcast episodes I've listened to through the year which I enjoyed.
I may have laughed, learned something about myself, or learned something new. I might include a summary of the value gained from the episode beneath the hyperlinked title.
I had a moment like this in 2017 where I became intentional with my reading habits. I wasn't proud of my book count. Reading has always been something I enjoyed. But we find a way to place life above the things that feed us and calm us at our core.
As I share these episodes with you each year, I hope they will provide opportunities for you to sit and have a moment for your cup to be filled.
#50. The Many Layers Of Black Womanhood with Kenesha Sneed | Black Girl In Om
#47. Cultivating Connection Creatively with Morgan Harper Nichols | Black Girl In Om
Preview Episode: "Taking Notes" | Peace & Pages
#34. Listening, Learning, and Loving: Journeying To Self with Yaminah Mayo | Black Girl In Om
Ima Let You Finish But.. | Kar Rides With Kendra
Let's Talk About Goals, Baby! | Kar Rides With Kendra
Trust the Writing Process | EightyTwo NinetySix
Episode 1: What's Your Algorithm? - Reckoning With Technology and Reclaiming Our Wellbeing In Online Spaces. | The Sound Bath
Voice Note 4 - Reflecting On Failures | Power Hour
Fiona Murden | Power Hour
Episode 1 - Venetia La Manna on Sustainable Fashion | The Happy Pear Podcast
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Peace & Love !