This quarter's guest blog post comes from HoneyLuxe, who speaks on BE PATIENT & DO SOMETHING with a post that encourages you to step back from what you haven't achieved and look forward to what this new season of life holds for you. If you will maximize the new decade you must understand that some things have a right time, a specific time - prepare yourself in the meantime.
I remember being in my teens and envisioning what my life would be like in ten years time. I was certain I would be
married, living in a fancy mansion with my amazing career and raising at least two children by the time I was twenty five. Crazy right?
Well, that definitely has not happened yet and I can only laugh about it now! I was so sure that all will work out accordingly within the time I predicted because, well why not? Fast forward to now. I know that it is only Christ who can dictate
how my life will pan out! One of my favourite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11. He knows the true meaning to my life
and it is not for me to attempt to decide it for myself.
When you hear purpose, what comes to your mind? A gift that you may have? Maybe a goal you have been trying to accomplish? Or is it about a strong passion you have for something?
There are so many def..
Courtesy of © 2019 Honey Luxe
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Peace & Love !