
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

2017 Reads : Pebble$

Books That I Read

1. The Art Of Thinking Clearly : Rolf Dobelli

2. Follow Your Dream : Matthew Ashimolowo

3. Scarlet And Black : Stendhal

4. Called To Make A Difference : Tony Peters

5. Goth Girl and The Pirate Queen : Chris Riddell

6. Finding Your Purpose In Life : Mike Murdock

7. What They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School : Rob Parsons

8. I Am A Woman I Am Not Dumb : Matthew Ashimolowo 

9. Making Your Own Days - The Pleasures Of Reading & Writing Poetry : Kenneth Koch

10. A Place To Call Home : Carole Matthews

11. Brief Lives : W. F. Deedes

12. 100% Life Improvement : Matthew Ashimolowo

13. Screw Business As Usual : Richard Branson 

14. Live A Better Life : Matthew Ashimolowo

15. The Value Of The Dot : Mensa Otabil

16. Training For Reigning : Dr. Bill Winston

17. The Abundance : Annie Dillard

18. The New Penguin Book Of English Verse : Edited by Paul Keegan

19. 18 Words : J. I. Packer

20. Never Let Me Go : Kazuo Ishiguro

Get Your Life Together  & Start Adulting Books 
Each touched on aspects on finance, planning, persistence and not allowing one shortcoming that we have to disrupt the complete picture of where our lives are and where they can be. They were a constant reminder to look beyond the start we have been given and to allow the story placed in our hands to be continued. These book were Follow Your Dreams, Called To Make A Difference, Finding Your Purpose In Life, 100% Life Improvement, Live A Better Life  and Screw Business As Usual.

These Books Used The Simplest Examples
Within the bible or life that make, dealing with larger problems seem so simple. Many of the things we were taught as kids, if we take the time to remember them and set matured eyes to them, we see that those lessons go deeper. If we heed the advice we can step back from life to become proactive rather than reactive in our decisions. It's a constant challenge, to challenge why you think the way that you think. These reads included The Art Of Thinking Clearly, What They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School, The Value Of The Dot, Training For Reigning  and 18 Words.

Before  A Blogger,  I  Am Writer  &  Poet
So these reads were food for me mentally and creatively. I was greatly inspired and reminded of the beauty within what I do and why I do it. These reads were Goth Girl and The Pirate Queen, Making Your Own Days - The Pleasures Of Reading & Writing Poetry, The Abundance  and The New Penguin Book Of English Verse.

Over To The Books..
That had me cross stitching and weaving through their pages thinking about each event, although questionable at moments, these books each share something in common and that is an END. No I don't mean that last page when you close the book, but rather the end to an individual story. These were A Place To Call Home,  Brief Lives  and  Never Let Me Go

This Book Stands Alone
It is very niche, very necessary, very exclusive, very much not available to buy any longer so I can only tell you how good it is but I cannot give you a link to buy it. This one is for my ladies growing into women, for the women who have just embarked on their journeys into womanhood and in some instances women who are growing into the women they have been created to be. If you are ready to be realize that you have been the dumb woman sometimes this one is for you, I present to you I  Am A Woman I Am Not Dumb.

I don't need to write much for the last book, which was a fail. The characters irked me, the betrayal and snake tendencies irked me, this is not the type of book I read. Stendhal you are a great writer but this AIN'T for me, last book Scarlet And Black. Really hope this is the last time I leave a review like this one. 

Happy Holidays, See You In 2018 !

                                                                           Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Do You Need A Mentor, Therapist Or A Coach ?

This quarter's guest blog post comes from The Freda Lee, who speaks on  LIFE MATTERS & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. Since we've hit the last quarter of 2017. First of all well done on all hurdles overcome by you, in order to get to this point. As we look to the end of one year and the expectation of a greater year ahead - watch out for the people, resources, wells of expertise that you can add to your life. With this post I hope that you get one step closer to identifying who you need to seek out in 2018 so you can get to your next level.

Getting your shit together is totally IN these days.

But where do you start when you're trying to 'develop' and 'better' yourself? Self-help books are an excellent way to get 
started but it's best to have a sounding board when you're working on yourself.

So this brings me to, who's your best bet for your personal growth?  A mentor, therapist or a life coach? 

Deciding who you need 

A Mentor
Having a mentor can have a good lasting impact on your career, and also be life-changing. 

Mentoring is a long-term relationship, where the mentor focuses on supporting their mentee with growth and 
development. Whilst the mentor is a source of wisdom, they are not there to instruct, or tell you how to do things.

A mentor is basically your personal cheerleader.

Mentors are beneficial because they challenge you to think differently and open your eyes to see different perspectives. 
You should consider finding a mentor if things are feeling "off" at work, as they can help you to realise your full potential.

So how do you go about finding a mentor ?
Finding a mentor isn't so clear-cut, compared to...

Courtesy of Ⓒ 2017 THE FREDA LEE

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Love Letter To Self : Pebble$

Dear P. ,

I love you girl. The highs and lows of your mood, the inconsistencies in posting, the moments taken to reflect and let moments live. You are the reflection of everything I've wanted in this moment, the ability to appreciate but never get comfortable. The grounded state of not knowing and the leaps of trying something new. 

I hope that you can find it in your schedule for us to meet some time soon, I miss the youth in your smile, the strokes of your pen, the talking out loud to achieve tones, the shaking of a poet's anatomy before getting on stage. Standing on stages like nothing happened prior to that moment. I hope you find it in your schedule for us to reflect, to watch others and awaken the performance, the gift, the boldness to remember what those moments should mean. 

The moments taken to reflect on the meaning in between, stay up at night as you like. I know that you are most alive in these moments. Remember to get your beauty sleep too, you need to keep yourself in sync with everything required of your journey. Travel easy, laugh light, feed heavy. Confuse every attendant with your very being. Being how you are, without a doubt as goofy as you like. 

You are a movement within yourself, the willingness of sisters coming together to create greater impact and care for the baby. When the world pushed normal you claimed 'We're in the weird business, we've never known usual.' Guard your thoughts, your faith, your passion, your kindness, everything that will be out of their season but not yours.

One more thing. Step outside that front door and claim the world as your own, you can flip the script as you please. You are a scented and essential flavor that brings color to life's gray scales, the very reconnecting of nerve cells almost dying, the innervation of cardiac muscles excited by the presence of words. You are my poet, my friend, your words are my first love, your notebook has saved me many times, I am a collapsed pile of sheets melting in the smooth of your voice, I am closed eyes wanting to catch everything you have to say.

My last line much like the first, I love you girl.

Much Love, 

Pebble$ on the other side of the computer screen.

  Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Should I ?

Do you ever get tired of those moments, when you have experienced so many petty Bettys that you can't even be mad anymore. Well, in those moments I end up laughing in my head or smiling so wide you just have to ask me what's up.

Note: Girlfriend I am here for you, cheering from the sidelines. If I ever get on court and make him laugh, just chill.. 
my presence on the court stops at that.

Ok it happened again
I never bought a ticket to the show they thought I was watching 
Now you got my eye for a split second
Switched my stank face on 
My lines aren't meeting haiku rule at this point
So I decide to continue
Your point is a missed syllable 
So please, stop the beating of self hoping for a pattern 
The enforcement of lips 
Sorry, the lip smacking is a pathetic sound 
Setting me up for laughter and smiles 
As I observe the ridiculous
But how you been older your whole life 
And stay needing to place your stamp on it
No seal of approval necessary
Stop running storylines 
When I am the author not a competitor
Leave the ink and paint your claws

 I have decided to put a hold on the publishing of my book. I want to save it for a time when I feel it is better to release, please bear with me. I will be sure to update you so follow me herehere & here.

                                                                    Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Heart Of The Matter

When it concerns matters of the heart it is serious business. Things may get at you psychologically, but that is only one dimension of yourself. When we get started on chemicals at work within you, worries on your mind, thinking about issues, feeling helpless because the people they target, the people they want to rid of look just like you - these all come into the dimension of our physical selves. 

Life is in the blood, and blood is pumped by the heart so everything the blood is exposed to, all the molecules and chemicals, changes in your internal environment are all fed back through that blood into our hearts. Those hearts are connected to the body through the blood which is a transit system of its own, so you know where I'm going with this.

Take the time to nurture yourself, ensure that no matter what you are going through, you do NOT allow it to reach your heart, as that is where the problems begin. 

Handle the stresses and leave the rest. The extra weight is not your package, it wasn't addressed to you or recorded as a delivery for your residence so leave it. Be upset when you want to be upset, walk away when you need to, change your environment if it keeps you at peace BUT do not sacrifice your health to satisfy somebody else's reaction.

  Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

When Passion Meets Purpose

This quarter's guest blog post comes from  ALovePerfect, who speaks on ACCOMPLISHMENTS & DREAMS. This is what it looks like when you decide to start no matter how little your steps, the weight of your struggles, the pains that resurface, the doubts or fears. Remember in the midst of all you are going through you always have something to offer, solutions are stored inside you.

So let's have an honesty hour...

With the growth of the project I started at the top of this year in January, The Prayer Project, my mind has been filled with new ideas to get it to grow, expand and flourish. I recently have been overwhelmed with my many ideas of turning this project into a business. Although having these thoughts are perfectly normal and fine, I really have to take a step back and remember why I started this project in the first place. So I'm taking a moment to check my heart and correct any selfish motives behind its growth.

I didn't start The Prayer Project for the purpose of turning it into a business. Not at all. Money was the furthest thing in my mind. I began this movement because I saw a need. I saw a heartbreaking need that I knew I wanted to help with. God opened my eyes and put a burning fire in my heart filled with intense compassion and desire to contribute to a change. I knew then that I couldn't be afraid anymore. I had to do it. I had to listen to and answer the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit impressing on my heart how He's prepared me for this.

When I think of why I started The Prayer Project, I'm reminded how sad I felt for those with broken hearts that had grown cold; for those who had never experienced the warmth of God's love through the people surrounding them. I remember believing that I had something worth sharing that could help. I remember feeling overcome with excitement that God had given me something...

Courtesy of  © 2017 ALovePerfect

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

My 10 Mid-2017 Blog Picks

These have been my favorite blog posts and blogs to read in the first half of 2017, I hope you find something new, someone different to follow or a new blog you can read too!

1|  Via Leeny
Favorite Post/s
- Being Early To Work Has Made Me More Spiritual
- Why Your Twenties is the Defining Decade of Your Life

2|  Tall N Curly
Favorite Post/s
- Beautiful Health
- Happy Father's Day
- Tall People, Curly Hair: If We Could Speak Our Mind
- A Tall Girl's Life: Short BFF's Advice
- A Tall Girl's Life: Tall N Curly's First Feature Film

3|  Ramblings of A Fancy Hot Mess
Favorite Post/s
- Why We Compete
Little She. Big Me
- It's Just Hair, Right?
- You Are Enough
- I'm A Loner, I'm A Loner, I'm A Loner

4|  Miss Andrea Lewis
Favorite Post/s
- 7 Step Prescription To Self Love #selflovesaturday
- Surround Yourself With The Perfect Team - Goal #24
- 10 High Performance Habits That Lead To Success
- "Be Creative" - Weekly Memo
- I Am Inspired By @ClaudiaIris_21, Cancer Survivor
- Don't Forget To Practice #WeeklyMemo

5|  LifeWithJRDN
Favorite Post/s
- Personal Peace: Learning To Let It Go... Again
- I'm On A Mission To Get My Inspiration Back

6|  Hey Fran Hey
Favorite Post/s
- Awaken With Mindfulness
- How Successful People Think (Hint: It's Not All About Being Positive)
- Depression + The Art To Stopping My Downward Spiral
- What Successful People (Who Are Actually Happy) Do Differently

7|  devri velazquez
Favorite Post/s
- 7 Quick Steps To Reclaiming Happiness
- Let Your Creativity Drive Your Success
- Learn To Be Physically Present, Emotionally Absent
- Sometimes... #spooniethoughts
- Your Vision Is A Soul Enhancer.

8|  bdiff
Favorite Post/s
- Free To Roam
- When The Pumpkin Spice Latte Distracts You From Purpose
- When You're "Unable To Can" With God's Way
- Be The One That Got Away
- A Verbal Cookie: Your Desire Is NOT A Weakness

9|  A Love Perfect
Favorite Post/s
- Journey Humbly
- One-Line Prayer Challenge
- (Im) Perfectly Perfect
- To Whom It May Concern...

10|  The Life Of Amy
Favorite Post/s
- Milan, Italy
- University Life

  I have decided to put a hold on the publishing of my book. I want to save it for a time when I feel it is better to release, please bear with me. I will be sure to update you so follow me here, here & here.

                                                                    Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Bad, Bad Cleo Brown

This post is inspired by Disney's  'KC Undercover'   Season 2  Episode 16 titled  The Legend Of Bad, Bad Cleo Brown

I hope this post reminds you to never give up, even if not for yourself but for those who will celebrate you more than you realize you need to be celebrated and for those who will refuse to forget you. When nobody knows your name, everybody gets the chance to know you by name. 

Bad, Bad Cleo Brown shows that we may often have to endure the work and times we don't like to make the changes and moves we wish to see. We may have to endure the times to finally experience the joy we have waited so long to have.

Somewhere on earth and possibly in some generation unborn I want you to know that there is a child who has a fire like yours, an interest like yours, a burning desire in them to do better and to see better times. That child, that teenager, that man or woman wants to go beyond what is usually done, within them is someone who wants to break the silence and give a voice to those who have been silenced for too long. Someone has to fight so that respect is given where it has too long been deserved, just because you have waited so long to get respect and you let it slide each time it is not given.. does not mean you have shut the portal for its entry. The respect will be given eventually and when it is given the side that humiliated you for so long will have to come out in the open with every mistake made.

Everybody doesn't start out as Cleo Brown they may start out as the other programmed hons in the agency, they may be like her two friends. When you start out like Cleo's friends you know deep down that something needs to change but you don't know what to do, the size of the task ahead overwhelms you and fear puts the task in a light that magnifies it as something that is waaay above you. Often you are the person who doesn't have the strength if you are left to make those steps on your own, you are afraid that if others don't join you in making this stand you may be wiped out mid race with nobody to account for where you stopped so that another generation can pick up the baton from that point and continue the race. Let this be your permission in the midst of your fears to make those steps anyway !

In the midst of this change, a rattling of society's comfort and the rise of bold individuals to drive this change I probably don't have to repeat the lines there is someone who ALWAYS  opposes the efforts made, the person who says "don't make no trouble, aren't you thinking of the consequences this will have on the rest of us". The "I beg you, please stop trying to be a hero" folk who are actually making a call to keep you average under the pretence of only 'cautioning' you. There are also the "just because MayaAngelaBettyCorrettaElaine and them did it, so you think you a MayaAngelaBettyCorettaElaine now, who can stand up and change something". They will usually factor in things like race, age, gender, social class, appearance and anything they feel should be decided as your stumbling block. Guess what though?!

Little do people know that some of the things that make you different, which CANNOT  be seen are the things that will work in you favor and with that added to a drive like yours.. Things Can Happen. Funny enough when you have proven your point and are almost about to give the credit of YOUR work to somebody else, those who discouraged you may be part of those who encourage you to finish what you started. After all seeing the end of a matter is the reward you owe to yourself.

Completion is key! Day by day complete what you start, don't fight your battles stopping halfway beat your opponent until they can't stand up and step to you ever again. Educate yourself on the journey you are taking what do you have available to you and what can you do with it. When your resources meet a limitation is there any way you can creatively overcome that limit, challenge your thinking and those around you. What did those who came before you do and learn, and what can you learn from their lessons to reach your new height in life. What will you leave as a challenge for others to overcome and exceed?

Cleo Brown made it more and more difficult for those she had to work under, to keep her invisible. You don't have to go to work everyday thinking "Hmm I wonder if I will make a superwoman move today that will make my grandkids remember me" but you do need to think about this; are you allowing yourself to sit silent on a board where your knowledge is necessary. Will you do something today that the woman you will be in 5 years will look back on and curse everything from the moon to the hay in the barn or will you do something that makes her thankful for the sacrifices she had to make. If you awaken the best YOU each morning for yourself first, undoubtedly you will enable her to meet people who she will impact. And that version of you is the one that cannot be forgotten, remember that. 

" Settling on the possibility of an opportunity doesn't hinder just you but the generations who are birthed after. The actions you refuse to take and those you take both have an impact on what those after you can and cannot do, what they will have to fight for and what they will have a right to, freely." 

- Pebble$

  I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I Will

This quarter's guest blog post comes from VoyageToKayla, who speaks on REPRESENTATION. This is empowerment for any lady who needs to be reminded that your Melanin is beautiful,  you are allowed to come from your brokenness into wholeness to grasp & to love something you shouldn't be ashamed to have .  Be at ease while she lets you know the beauty in your hue .

i will be brave enough to find balance in my life.
i will stop being afraid to be black, to be woman, to be human. to be a black woman who is human.
i will no longer hide the parts of me that make me, me.
i will give myself emotional peace.
i will love myself just as much as i expect someone else to love me.
i will always love my earth-brown skin.
i will never apologize for my blackness.
i will follow th..

Courtesy of  © 2017 Kayla Mitchell

Monday, May 8, 2017

My Book, My Love

Many lands have I travelled, asking my friends over the interwebs to help me out and yet I still couldn't find only ONE book that I like. I think part of the struggle to choose just one childhood favorite is, some of the lesser known books that I loved are out of circuit & I have forgotten their titles so this new generation wouldn't even know about them.

I am sat here torn between Junie B Jones, A Light In The Attic, Matilda, The Jungle Book, Amazing Grace & Winnie The Pooh. I was one of those blessed kids who had the 'Wonderful World of Reading Disney' collective, so you can't be mad at me when I find it difficult to choose. Each book was a whole new world and yes Aladdin came to mind as I wrote those words. Aladdin was part of the collective too. Let's just say if you were a well written character in a book that was accessible in the 90s,  you were probably my homie I'm just saying. 

-  All kids weird and wonderful, Stand Up! I See you -

What was your favorite book ?
     Winnie The Pooh: The Complete Collection of Stories and Poems by A.A Milne

How did it impact your life ?
     This book was gifted to me by an aunt who noticed me taking a liking to Winnie The Pooh. I liked his freedom to do anything he wanted and I admired the friendship he had with Christopher Robin, observing this friendship filled me with such joy. The collection of stories and poems allowed me to go to so many places within the book and helped my imagination. I found a place to just be a kid and see what I wanted to see, feel what I wanted to feel & to bring the sun into every boring moment. After meeting Pooh and his friends, I wanted more and found more books which led me to a place of many lessons learned. I found a place where I wasn't lonely and I sat with my PBJ sandwiches while Pooh and his friends picnicked too, this helped me to build stories from the smallest elements. 

I could take the lives of each character and their different personalities, break that down and imagine another side to them and alternative ways in which their stories could have ended. Though self-esteem issues hit me during my teenage years, my childhood was filled with confidence building and a carefree curly girl approach to life. If you weren't down with Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Tigger, Christopher Robin & Roo, me and you couldn't be friends.. especially Tigger. Man, that tiger had energy  
😁 and guess what, so did I which made me feel less alone. Creatively and emotionally these friends and their adventures kept me together alongside my faith, I didn't end my life because of the lessons I took from this book and the others that made me indecisive. Being different was a blessing and Pooh & friends taught me to walk those differences out, laugh through those differences, dance upon those difference and own those differences. You can't let your head hang down loose when you know you're worth something and you switch up your steps when you realize that confidence walks differently. 

What impact has it had on your writing ? Your writing journey ?
      Let your imagination run free, let the child within stay alive. Reading has given me the confidence to write, and reading a wide range of books stretched my mind. I believe all the books which I was torn between in choosing ONE childhood favorite, share something in common and that is the phenomenal energy of being different without hesitation. The 'difference' in each of these books and their series helped me to navigate through my own expression, I refused to hinder myself. If the words didn't come out right the first time I would leave space and try again, somewhere along the way I forgot to keep to this and started comparing my work to others. 

I can look back on that comparing phase of my writing journey and realize that this statement "Let your imagination run free, let the child within stay alive" must always be held onto, once I remind myself of keeping the child within alive I keep my pen alive. My writing goes beyond what is expected of me, through my journey writer's block didn't get a seat because there was always a prompt - while Pooh had his honey, I had my emotions, my experiences and life itself. Reading impacted my ability to experience the world around me, not just living through the workings of my anatomy but to LIVE. Not just listening to be kind but to actually HEAR, no matter what was going on I had to allow myself to FEEL. I believe all these things came together and enabled me to give readers the opportunity to know what it feels like to travel through Pebble$' words. 

In these moments of reflection, I feel that I have to be more aware and accountable in the next phase of my writing journey. I have to let my inner child have a voice, to take steps to be more conscious of not being my own dead end.

What did this book do for you that others might not have done when you were growing ?
      Allow me to be a little bear. To see a wholeness in brokeness, to see beyond my present. How to write poetry before I knew that I was already doing it. Connect value to people and places, and connect people to moments/memories.

Share Your Childhood Favorites With Me Below  or  here.

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

                                                                    Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

I'd Be Bitter

This one goes out to every young woman who through their own inner convictions or through the voice of reason be that a parent, sibling, cousin, friend or colleague has been able to step out of harm's way. To every young woman reduced to her anatomy at ages when such ill thoughts were not part of her agenda let alone something she should have even been forced to endure, I feel for and understand you. 

Thank you for standing, 

Thank you for continuing on into greatness, 

Thank you for not crumbling and reducing yourself to your anatomy & 

Thank you for distinguishing yourselves to maintain your dignity. 

Your walk will make a difference to a generation unborn in its due season,  just keep on keepin on. 

I am here with you !
- Pebble$ 

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

#TuesdayHaikusday: Jaded.

Anybody who has been following me on Instagram, knows that I have been one of the Poets that contributes to a hashtag which goes by the title of #TuesdayHaikusday hosted by @ChrissyWritesStuff.  Me and Chrissy connected over Instagram and right from the first time she tagged me to join in I've been posting haikus every week. I enjoy the constant challenge of writing haiku after haiku, week after week especially with prompt words. The tag started off with open entries but as time has progressed, a prompt word has been provided each Tuesday which guides those who don't know what they can write about.

As you know by now, Pebble$ loves challenges and my style is usually free verse with occasional rhythms appearing in my pieces. Above all that is the delivery of words that bring laughter and storytelling to take you to places anew in mind, emotion and life.

So today I challenge any poets who are readers of my blog, and those who want to try writing haikus to join in and follow the tag each Tuesday for the prompt word. If you want me to tag you each time I post, as a reminder then feel free to leave a comment below or DM me on Instagram. Just message me with the simple line:"Tag Me In It Pebble$". 

Feel free to ask any questions below, if you want to know more. Be sure to let Chrissy know that Pebble$  sent you. 

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Why Every Young Girl Should Read "Eat Pray Love" Even After 10 Years

This quarter's guest blog post comes from ViaLeeny, who speaks on LIFE LESSONS. Through a new read, she breaks down the different things that we can learn from this book and its characters. It is a search for finding how to better oneself after the storm, after mistakes, after having eyes unveiled to see the reality.

 You're a free, curious spirit. Always looking for the next best thing in your life. You have your whole career set in stone, you have a somewhat clear but also somewhat messy vision of what you want for yourself. You have dreams within you and creative energy which are going unfulfilled either because of outside influences you hate to admit exist or because of your own fear of trusting your inner voice. I'm just like you and through out Eat Pray Love you can catch glimpses of how Liz is just like us: wanting to move closer to our truer selves. Maybe it's just a human thing (shrugs) 

1)  It will open up your eyes to generational differences

Liz is little like her mama & she knows it. The empowering realization that you don't have to be frees your soul. Maybe you grew up in a household where "this is the way we do things around here" goes. Or maybe you were left to your own vices to figure it out only through observing the way others do things. In either case you might have felt within your bones something's got to change in your personal life, or else you'll go mad & lose yourself. Within the first few chapters we already get a sense of Liz recreating personal principles and boundaries which weren't had in generations before hers.

2) It will inspire you to take risks without guarantee

When Liz realized she had to do things differently, she took some risky action to create that change. You may have come to realize the character you've been playing in your life might have been assigned to you because of outside influences at home, school, work or social media. But then it hits you - this character isn't who you truly are, nor is it who you want to be. Aren't you glad it's never too late? While it is scary to step into the unknown territory that change always seems to occupy, you might discover some hidden gems within yourself along the way.

 3) You will realize sometimes you don't..

Courtesy of  © 2016 ViaLeeny

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Happy International Women's Day.

I wanted to take this opportunity to do this tag which went viral a few years ago, I'm not sure if it fits in with the essence and purpose of International Women's Day but here goes.

I'm not old enough to give advice to my younger self, I am however in the position to give advice to my teenage self and these are the things I'd say:

You weren't very confident, you had low self-esteem. People used to intimidate you a lot and it took you a lot to get to where you are now as a young lady; even as you are, there are still a lot of things you are dealing with because you're dealing with the realities of seeing something different than who you are. I want you to know, that in some years from now when you've gotten out of your teen years and you are in your twenties; you will be surprised at how much you would have learned, matured and progressed. 
Things will get better, life will get better, situations will get better. You will still be fighting for your place in this life to show that you're worth the fight, to show your existence is not just another life form breathing in and out but it will be more than you can imagine. It will be more than you can take in, you'll be fine ! Even though you're this loner through high school and you feel so alone - you have days when you're depressed and you come out of it to questions like why am I upset?, why am I down? why do I feel like I'm not worth anything?
You will very soon not only have worth for self but have worth for others. People are going to hurt you, and you're going to say stupid things because you haven't matured yet but you will soon learn how, to not be too big to say sorry & you will also learn to say sorry even when you are not at fault. You will also learn how to accept the challenges of life, understanding that no position in this life is permanent - after the struggle comes elevation. 
You don't think you can make it to college and you have dreams within, you have hope and then you don't, then you have the drive but you're put down, you'll be fine though! I just want you to understand that in some years from now you will be someone that people admire, people will appreciate you even if they don't say it & you'll be one of the coolest people around on this earth. 
You are going to grow as a poet, in ways you don't understand and you're going to have social media - yes, you won't believe it because you weren't up on that MySpace and other things but you're going to share with the world. It will be slow at first, you have to understand that. These teenage years of yours are not wasted some time in the future you'll have to make another young lady or young man understand that "your current situation is where I was years back and I guess I'm happy I went through it because of YOU."  They'll probably look at you like you're crazy, and you will explain; that you had to go through those things so someone like them in 20-30 years from now would have someone to tell them that it's going to be alright. 
They are not going to stay there, they will not constantly be depressed but they are on a journey to their joyful place and that isn't necessarily materially. When you get there don't forget that you were once here. Don't stay where you used to be but appreciate the process that took you through where you used to be and brought you to where you're at. 

I hope you all have a wonderful International Women's Day and for all the guys and kids out there, even as women let us 
learn to appreciate each other. Go out of your way to call your mom, your aunt, your grandmother, your nana - let them know
they are appreciated women and even though to the world they may not be internationally known. In the little city in the confines of your heart, soul and existence they are women worth recognizing.

Much Love & Peace,

Pebble$ x 

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I Want Representation.

This post is the result of some inspiration I got in late September 2016 while searching for images relating to a topic. I either didn't use the right search terms or this was one of those times I needed to look through somebody's cellphone (I was going to say Instagram but uhh, we proceed) for creative inquisitiveness' sake. The search term was "black best friends" as I had used an image depicting best friends in my 5 Lives post. I had also been reading a lot to feed my mind at that time so there were some deeper issues that also contributed to this post, I hope you enjoy reading this as much I did writing it!

First we look at I, I is the individual. Finding your individual importance helps to shape what you give out and what you wish to receive. What are you giving out? This should be your security within yourself, your innermost convictions and your identity. These come together as the presence that you represent, and will attract or draw you to those who represent an aspect of the commonalities you like in a friend, a leader, an artist. You find the best of what you need within yourself and from there, you can search for people who take what you have to the next level, this helps in continual improvements of self.

How do you show out for you? Being present, attentive to your current motives, identifying what is a priority in your growth. Being present is living within each moment, when you are invited to an event in your field don't think about shortcomings or where you would rather be. Enjoy that moment, observe the energy around you, learn from the interactions of others (all of this can be used as material, depends on what kind of creative you are though 😁). Continually find ways to feed yourself, your mind, to feed yourself creatively. Check in with yourself, how are you doing? where do you want to be? where are you currently? You ensure to show out for self through caring for self, loving self, growing self & maintaining self-confidence. 

-  Adjust the perspective & not the lens. - 

Once you achieve showing out for self and knowing how to show out for yourself, you can help others. You can represent others, by standing up and spreading that confidence. The best kind of security that you can give to others is the security that you have in yourself. You cannot give what you don't have and you cannot represent a people that you have never seen, by that I mean if you want people to care for your presence you have to care about them. Standing up for others means that you have to realize that your platform, your authority, your presence isn't for you alone. There are people watching, both young and old who need to know if there's somebody who understands them, somebody who can amplify the sound of their realities to those who just don't get it yet. Representing those who can identify something in what you do and in who you are requires a desire to build and not to break down, it is knowing when to use your voice and when to listen. When you are the representation, you may feel the weight of accountability on your shoulders this just reminds you of the position you hold and acts as a point for identifying what you need in order to continue.

Wanting representation is not only an image, a platform, a presence or a person but it is a collective of stories told through the lives of those who show you how to hold on through thick and thin, who shine a different light on life's path and its art. We require that collective to maintain its passion, its drive and not allowing itself to be diluted or fall under the weight of pressures from those who do not understand its importance. The reason why this is so important is, the presence of representation gives you something to continually look to which keeps something alive within your being. SO  the last thing you need is a loss of that representation or its retraction from spaces where it is needed and from communities where it is needed.

Representation is not a lone responsibility, anybody can be used at any time. Anybody can occupy that space which means that the needed voice is not only found through you but others also. Get ready to be brought out of your comfort and to bring others out of their comfort work together and work on each other. As you help others to come out of their comfort and into the reality of what they have stored within; you will learn to speak less and let them have their moment. Since representation is not a lone responsibility there cannot be fights for spaces to occupy and you cannot break others down to become more visible. Representation is standing together, it is collaborating in spaces to speak out and to make unity infectious. Unity is infectious to those you represent when and ONLY  when they can see that each person has their season and gives support to others out of season, when this is understood then those who are represented are given the fuel necessary to care for self and secure their space. 

One of the principles of representation is "constructive criticism" and knowing how to do that is even more valuable. This is very important in spaces of education, legal practice and jobs but let me focus on legal and education. When you are placed in an educational space where those who may look like you or identify with something in you have something that brings you in direct conversation it is important to watch your words - how you say them, what you say and the actions after they are said. Nobody is asking you to feed such individuals sugar-coated lies and not to call them out on their ish but use the security they have in you to bring it down to earth, then work through problem and solution with them. Encouragement and showing them what they can't see for themselves is part of being the representation - you unveil chests in life that people didn't know they could search for or even have access to. 

Legally, stereotypically this one requires rising above and thinking clearly for yourself. In this space you will come across various individuals for various reasons, they all have a story and so do you. You may find those whose story is YOUR story, much like education you must watch your words and be representative in your speech.. talk like somebody who knows those grievances, that loss, those situations. Your work calls for you to reflect the law in whatever capacity that may be but life's journey also requires you to be the collective of stories and experiences which keeps something alive in those who you represent IN & OUT of your career. Whether authority lies in something reputable or less recognized those who you represent require you to know how to deal with people like them in some capacity through communication and presence in a way that doesn't look to breaking a people but building better communities. 

Last but not least how do you encourage someone who may be in hiding ?  Well don't we all have somebody who stands out, who we secretly wish we were as bold as because they just embody a great energy and presence when they are around. Make them aware of what they carry and where opportunities arise push them into those spaces to use their voice, their talent or whatever it may be to help them continually build themselves. Sometimes all that somebody needs is to continually be placed in spaces where what they have to offer cannot be hidden and often needs to be shared. Encouraging someone to come out of hiding requires continual encouragement but not just words, it is necessary to include actions such as signing them up to shows or events and calling on the assistance of those around them to make that person realize that they hold something valuable.

" Representation means that something represents an image different from everything else that we have seen out there. Break the mold, do not fit in !  Look at the environment and see how you can suit it to make the best experience for yourself. Where the experience can't be created by you reach out to others & build it together. Somebody needs you as their representation and essentially somebody needs the chance to be your representation also ! "

(I found this blog post early October 2016 when I was looking through an artist's Instagram page who had drawn Laquann Dawson.)

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

                                                                             Copyright © 2017 PebblesWroteIt