
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Spoken Word, The Pebble$ Per$ona, Series & Collabs

The title of this post says it all, to name just a few things which are not necessarily changes but additions to content that I wish to bring to my channel as this journey progresses. With no exaggeration I made 5 attempts to make this upload happen, for it to go live so the worldwide web could see it and see my homebody self on their screens once again. 

So I made this video a few months back and uploaded it to my YouTube Channel. The whole point was to take this opportunity to bring you more of me.. there isn't really an old Pebble$ for me to be bringing a new one. I don't feel that is my aim but rather for me to constantly achieve more and more with the opportunity to share that with you through my content, through my blog, through my Instagram and my Twitter. I do believe that each of my platforms offer something different to each of my readers so pick your literal liquor out of all of them, and I hope that you will enjoy where this is going. There are still a lot of things to learn about me which I know that I want to achieve but you don't know are within me, so I hope that you stay for the journey and connect with me. I look forward to us starting a conversation on whatever I post from now on. 

I thank you for your support, because even when I don't see your comments and I don't see your views I still hold onto the belief that somehow somewhere in some way you are having access to my content and you're able to read it. Maybe you all are having reading parties saying "Let's read Pebble$ New-In together!" maybe it's one view but technically it could be 20 or 30 who knows. I'm here to give the world a little bit of that histological flavor with physio and a little anatomy. You can look forward to that! With this upload I talked about new ways to bring you Spoken Word and how I could put together some audiovisuals. I also talked about bringing The Pebble$ Per$ona back and give her some more episodes. Additional to what I already have on my channel, I have two series coming your way - one is a writing series while the second one is a faith series. The writing series I thought would be perfect for this time while I'm writing my book and getting ready to publish it, so I thought about taking you through my writing process. The hashtag to use for asking me any questions for the writing series is #PebblesWritesThis, which you can use everywhere that you are - this lets me know what questions you have and if their directed at me so I can take them into consideration when answering questions in my uploads. 

The faith series is me sharing my faith with you and how it's shaped me as a person, how it's shaped the philosophies I carry in life, the outlook and the views that I have on life and how in despite of the negatives that the world presents me with I'm still able to stay grounded, stay positive and stay hopeful. To keep holding the possibility that no matter how dysfunctional world may be, my kids, grandkids and greatgrankids and so on will be able to live in it and make an impact. 

There are various aspects to me - there's the poet, the writer, the student, the pebble$ per$ona who is an absolute joker 
and so much more. 

Stay Tuned, 


I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Emotionally Intelligent? Pt1

Hello World, Pebble$ Here!

Recently I finished reading a book by Daniel Goleman called "Working With Emotional Intelligence" which caught my eye when I was doing some other reading, it took me two and a half weeks before I could get started but once I got started I couldn't wait to get from one chapter to the next. If you choose to find and read this book, start this book with an open mind and a willingness to unlearn everything about yourself. With total honesty you too can be driven to improve and increase your emotional intelligence. 

" While some people seem to be born with natural self-assurance, even those who are shy & timid can become more bold with practice. Practice ! "

In this brief moment of throwing shade (shunning) at all the Mensa kids who I've seen on TV through my years as a child til this point, I have forever not liked the idea of IQ being used to separate them from the rest of us. I remember my grades being compared with others as a kid so I've never liked it being thrown in my face. This book saying that Intellectual Intelligence wasn't everything made me so happy but I soon learned that emotional intelligence has to be combined with intellectual intelligence. You cannot rely on one or the other you must ensure they both meet at a point depending on what kind of work you do, what it requires of you, where you work, the environment you need to contribute to and how you need to be present or contribute to this working environment. 

" Change comes when you don't see yourself as the victim or passive pawn in the game of life but, as the master of your fate."

Whether you're the janitor or the PA, the mail-room girl or team manager, the board of executives or the CEO; you have to be accountable and you have to work without a chip on your shoulder. You ain't nobody until you can display that emotional intelligence and work with it everyday not treat it like a 30-day trial then I'm done. You have to grasp what it means to you at your own pace BUT you are not alone if you are willing to hear the truth and be assisted in your journey to emotional intelligence. Remember that once you reach emotional intelligence land, it is not a destination but rather it is a journey in which you continually look for ways to improve and ways to be an example to others who need to take their journeys too. 

" The less aware we are of what makes us passionate, the more lost we will be. "

What did this book do for me and what will I do with what I've read?
 I have read this book knowing which areas of my attitudes and work ethic need to be updated. I've learned that there are a million and one ways to prevent problems, conflict and mistakes in your work - one thing that gets us there is not arrogance but a laziness of not doing what we know is right before it is even required of us !

" For those who lack self-confidence, every failure confirms a sense of incompetence. " 

Every great step is not taken right away. It is first thought of in thoughts of wanting to change but not actually taking steps to do anything proactive about it. I have taken great steps in my life only to receive rejection and in turn I become the person who has a deju-vu moment later about what other's saw in me that made them encourage me to push further than where I was. Sometimes those realizations come late and sometimes they come at the time which is best - the time when you are your most receptive to change.

Look Out For Pt. 2 of This Blog We Will Go Deep Into The Intellect Of Your Emotions & Apply It !

I want to publish a book, it will be a collective  of my work from the start of my journey at 8 years old til Summer 2015. Hold me to it ! 

                                                                                       Copyright © 2016 PebblesWroteIt