If you have the desire
You have the ability to achieve it
So you have to ensure that you think
With a broadened and open mind
Think with the mind of an entrepreneur,
A developer, an investor
You must have the ability to see what
Can't be seen with a normal mind
You must think so that you can feel
Sometimes your haters see your potential
Much more clearer than you can see it for yourself
So when they delay and try to change your mind
You think they're doing you some good
Whilst they are cutting you short of seeing the end result
Now you have to be the one to realize
That your end is not where you stand
There is no way that you will die in the same
Small-minded mindset that you started off with
If you were destined to be the inspiration for
Other minds to gain ideas and create the impossible
Copyright © 2012 PebblesWroteIt