
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Between Bowling Pins

Blog post formerly titled "In The Kiddie Pool" until I left it too long and forgot where it was supposed to go. Why is Pebble$ being honest with you? because most writers would be ashamed to tell you this and having a title without the concept is real. Having a concept without a title is also a real writer's problem. Nobody tells you that writing it down and making it plain means that your draft will contain some good pieces that will help you form the new thing that WASN'T the original thing. Because it is ok to not have the full picture; because being a writer is a beautiful journey that sometimes looks like chaos but comes together when you have patience.


The new title will make sense as we progress just stay with me. The pins will line up and you too will be that bowling ball.

So picture yourself in a bowling alley from this point forward. Are you there? Good, all the props you need to imagine what I am saying are in that bowling alley.

When you go bowling you don't pick up all the balls and just roll them down the alley assigning each ball to a pin. That's not how the game works it takes one ball at a time hoping that you knock the pins out with that one ball. You don't just throw the ball either right? You try to get some direction, a focus point and power in that final release from your arm.

There are several bowling balls but only one ball will knock the pins down at a time.

As a Christian there can be many of us in one building but one is chosen to shake the whole building not even a department.

All the balls can be present but only one, will be the final one held in the hand of the winner.

If I told you that one pin placed where the balling ball would be on the ground could knock out the other pins aligned at the back of the alley, you would think that I was crazy right?

But if that one pin was thrown with Serena speed, strength & precision, it's possible.

back to the bowling ball in place of that pin

That bowling ball holds power. The bowling ball represents the power & increased surface area that leads to impact when we have God with us.

God changes our lone pin, that lone pin crazy enough to think it can hit all those pins at the back of the alley. He changes that lone pin to a bowling ball when he has our back. All of a sudden crazy isn't so crazy any more when power and precision are added.

When you are convinced that you have 'thee*  bowling bowl',  you realize that not all balls are needed for each pin at the back of the alley.
*not a typo, I meant what I wrote

but rather one is enough when trying to knock all of them out.

You can be the one he uses as an individual to reach the many. He can use you to be more effective than 5-10 people put together. You can be the ball between pins, that knows what being a pin is like - knowing where the days drag, when failures hurt and when a new year or season doesn't seem like anything worth getting hyped over.

Can you see the reality of yourself as that pin? No? 

You can't see it, because you won't see it.  Whatever may come your way in life is overcome when you believe that your part of the work is not more than you can bear. When you stop seeing yourself as only that 'bowling pin' and remember that you have access to thee bowling ball you can move into this reality.

Seeing is believing doesn't work here. Seeing the trial as bigger than yourself won't help you here. Allowing yourself to be swallowed by life, ends with the carcass of your confidence being spat out around here. It's better to let yourself  be used for good around here. It is better to step out alone and hold onto yours when everybody wants to deny what got them here. 

It is better to work on the department than be overwhelmed by the whole building. You can't imagine how the word gets round when you appreciate your pin state and maximize every inch of who you are. Please be encouraged that you wouldn't be here if you didn't have anything to give to the community around you.

Being that crazy pin isn't the end to your impact, stretch out and grab hold of the power and precision in close access. Let the bowling ball transform you.

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